Have you ever had to lead a group of people to a place you’ve never been yourself? It’s stressful! You’re not exactly confident that you won’t make a wrong turn. You’re not sure what the parking will be like. You don’t know if it will be in a good part of town, a bad part of town… or any part of town! You’re not sure what the experience will be like. Will people enjoy your lead, will they get frustrated with you, or will they decide to go their own way?
The Holy Spirit makes us uncomfortable, because He will ask us to lead others to a place we’ve never been ourselves. But have no fear!
Many of us look back at our younger years and say, “If I could only go back and live my life knowing what I know now.” The fact is, you can live now, knowing what you could only know in the future—because God said that, “He who began a good work in you, will be faithful to complete it!” It’s already done! God’s almighty, earth-shaking work is happening right now through you. You may look at your life and say, “But I’m just getting started.” But God says, “Consider it done! I’ll make sure it gets finished!” YOU are significant to these last days.
It might not always feel comfortable to do it, but it is imperative that we listen to the Holy Spirit allow God to complete His work in us!
The Holy Spirit makes us uncomfortable because He prods us to:
love the unlovable
pay for the penniless
dispossess our possessions
to be a witness to the skeptic
to welcome the stranger
to embrace the unknown
to have visions of the unseen
to touch the untouchables
So let’s all go out and get uncomfortable and see what God’s Holy Spirit can do with us and through us today!
Wishing you faith for today,