I read about a ballet teacher who constantly repeated a rather confusing phrase to beginning ballet students. “Find your Sit-Bones!”
“Find your sit-bones” was the term she used for drawing from the strength of proper alignment. Named for their location, one’s sit-bones are apparently an essential part of ballet. She defined the finding of one’s sit-bones as an epiphany; with the sit-bones in place, ballet made sense. One’s sit-bones were one’s center; to find them is to find the heart of ballet. She further declared, “You can dance without knowing this center, but you will never learn to love the dance.”
Is life not also something like this? Is there not within us a need for something at the heart of life, something that allows it all to make sense?
Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge says something interesting: “Everything, I am profoundly convinced, is connected with everything else… There is a oneness, in which each part bears a relation to each other part…. The great scientists, men like Einstein, are more than anyone else aware of this, because they see scientifically what we see intuitively–this fact that there is nothing which you can explore in the universe which is not related to everything else.”
And then Muggeridge adds thoughtfully: “It is inconceivable to me that there could be this oneness without a One.”
Indeed, doesn’t it seem to follow that at the heart of all of our living, behind our personal, rational existence is a personal, autonomous being? To know the One through whom all life came into being is to find the center, the meaning of life itself. It is to find the strength of aligning our lives with the living heart of truth. C.S. Lewis said it well when he came to faith in Jesus Christ. He said he thought he was coming to a place of truth, but found instead that truth itself was a person.
Scripture declares: “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one!” Deut. 6:4. Standing on this truth, King David proclaimed throughout the Psalms his desire to bless this God with all that was within him and to proclaim this One in whom his very bones rejoiced.
In God alone, David found the very center of life, from which all else flows. It is little wonder that David put most of his teaching about God to music. Interestingly enough, the Scriptures also report that he danced.
With Faith,
Roy Ice