Bob was a salesman who became a Christian through the ministry of his friend Doug. One of the great things Doug did was continue to disciple Bob in his new faith. One day, Doug’s focus was on teaching Bob the importance of prayer.
At the close of their time together, Doug asked Bob what he felt impressed to pray for. Bob said he thought he should pray for Africa. Doug asked him to get more specific, so Bob named a particular country. Doug then took a unique approach. He told Bob to pray for that country every day during the coming month. If nothing significant happened, he would pay Bob $500. If something big occurred, then Bob owed him $500. The bet was off if he didn’t pray every day.
Toward the end of the month, Bob was beginning to wonder if anything would happen. Then, while attending a dinner, he met a lady from “his” country. He lit up and asked her about her work. She was working in a medical center. Bob asked so many questions and was so enthused that the woman invited him to fly over and see their work.
Bob took her up on the offer and flew over. He was saddened to see such limited facilities, so he flew back and wrote to some pharmaceutical companies about their needs. He soon had solicited more than $1 million worth of donated supplies which were sent to the medical center. It was such a major contribution that Bob was invited back to see the new supplies, and they paid for his airfare this time. Even the president of that country quickly struck up a friendship with Bob. The president invited Bob to his palace and showed him the capital!
While touring the capital, Bob saw some prisoners. He asked the president why they were in prison. The president said these were political prisoners who disagreed with his philosophy of governing. Bob simply told him that wasn’t a good idea.
Not long after Bob returned to the U.S., he received a call from the State Department in the middle of the night. They verified who he was, and whether or not he had seen some prisoners and spoken with that particular president. Bob affirmed their information. The representative then pressed, “Those are political prisoners we have been working to free for a very long time. They have been freed. Bob, what did you say?” Bob said, “I told him it wasn’t a good idea.”
Later, Bob was invited back by the president to evaluate his proposed selections for his cabinet. So what about this ordinary salesman, Bob? More importantly, what about the God to whom Bob prayed?
Wishing you faith for today,