Keep on Trusting

Augustine’s mother, Monica, was a fervent Christian believer who prayed constantly for her son’s salvation. Her whole life was devoted to praying for his conversion.

At one point, when it appeared that Augustine was becoming devoted to the Manichaean philosophy, Monica begged a Christian holy man to speak to him and show him why the Manichaean beliefs were not true. The holy man refused, because Augustine was known to have a great intellect and would likely try to savage the holy man’s arguments.

The holy man assured Monica that he, too, had once been a Manichaean, and that Augustine was too smart to deceive himself much longer. At this, Monica began to cry, but the holy man sent her away, saying, “Go, go! Leave me alone. Live on as you are living. It is not possible that the son of such tears should be lost.”

The holy man was right. After many years and a fierce inner struggle, Augustine was touched by a revelation in Scripture, and he became a Christian. When Monica learned of her son’s salvation, she declared that she had nothing more to live for, for the greatest desire of her heart had been fulfilled. Nine days later, Monica died. And the son for whom she had spent her life praying went on to influence the whole world for the Christian faith.

We know the power of prayer.  And we know the power of a mother’s love.  With Mother’s Day around the corner it is wise to remind ourselves of this very truth:  Your prayers matter!

Just like Monica — never quit praying. Keep on asking God for help. Don’t let your tears quench the flame of your faith in God. It may feel as though God is ignoring you, but I assure nothing could be further from the truth. God loves your dear one even more than you do, so don’t give up. Keep on asking, and keep on trusting!  Jesus, above all else I ask that you would call my children to yourself and that nothing would hinder them from coming to you (Matthew 19:14)

Keeping the faith,
