On February 29, 1992, sixty-eight thousand people participated in USA Weekend’s “Make A Difference Day.” The idea was to take advantage of Leap Year’s extra day and get volunteers to help others less fortunate than themselves.
One eleven-year-old boy truly made a difference, even though he didn’t win first place in the contest. Ryan Rigney of Manchester, Tennessee convinced his parents to let him use his Christmas money to purchase one hundred pairs of socks. On Leap Day, Ryan’s parents drove him to the Nashville Union Mission, which was an hour away from their home. At the mission, he handed out the socks to homeless men who humbly and graciously accepted his gift of warmth for their feet.
The eleven-year-old humanitarian said, “It sure makes you feel good when you know that, no matter how big or small you are, or what you do for someone less fortunate than yourself, you can make a difference.”
Ryan won “runner-up” prize money of $250, and he planned to use it to buy five hundred more pairs of socks for his homeless friends in Nashville.
What would happen during this holiday season if we all caught a bit of Ryan’s generous spirit?
Every gift, regardless of the size, is of great value in God’s eyes. Ryan gave his “widow’s mite” gift – the gift of all he had. His generosity blessed hundreds of homeless people and has inspired many other individuals to be a blessing, too.
Never say that you cannot make a difference! Never say that no one will miss your small contribution! Every person matters to God and every gift matters as well.
This Christmas, look around and see what God has placed within your hand, and then use it to bless someone else. Use it to make a difference.
With Love,