Is This My Father’s World?
This world is filled with negativity and brokenness. The heartache, the frustrations, inequalities and injustices seem to mount with each passing day. The bright hopefulness of the beginning of the year has spiraled into a world of pandemics, fear and hatred. In fact, it’s hard for me to fathom how far this “rabbit hole” will go and when our lives will no longer be ravaged by it all.
Having said that, there is one thing I know. This is my Father’s world. In some situations this statement may seem laughable to you. And I concede – I do not know your circumstances or your thoughts on God. But I still KNOW, without a shadow of a doubt, He is still God, He still has a plan for each of us, and He still walks beside us in the valley.
As Creator of this universe, he laid claim to our world. And when we strayed, His life, death and resurrection laid claim to our soul. If we accept His sovereignty in this universe and in our hearts, an entirely new and beautiful world is opened to us.
Regardless of what you face this week or how heavy your heart may be, your all-powerful Father is ready to walk beside you – carry you if need be – through every challenge this world brings our way. He has the power to replace every negative and broken situation with hope and healing. I KNOW this is true. He’s done it for me.
He’s the Father of my hope and freedom. He’s my dad. The question you must ask yourself…“Am I inviting Him to be the Father of my world today?”
Your Friend In Faith,
Roy IceRoy